March 29, 2021

Why a blog?

👋 Hey friends

I've never been much of a writer. With my ADHD brain, talking out my thoughts and feelings has usually been the only way that works for me to synthsize and create. That's why I've been so attached to video for most of my life.

However, making videos right now takes me a really, really long time. A week ago, I worked for 30 hours on our 2.5 minute trailer for our YouTube channel. Now, granted, that video is on a much different level than one where it's just me talking at the camera for 5 minutes. My point is that in terms of time to produce, making a video is a long process that isn't as accessible in my current workflow as I would like.

In comes, the blog. See, I think the reason I'm not creating and putting out videos as much as I would like is because I want my ideas to be fleshed out and fully formed before I go ahead and shoot. And that has left me with a cadence of maybe a video every 3 months - if that.

So, my idea is that by having this blog where I can brain dump and publish something that's raw and unedited, I can free myself from thinking that I can't do that with video. In fact, if I've already published the raw idea as a blog post - making a companion video doesn't seem so hard. And also, publishing posts rapidly leaves me with a huge backlog of ideas to make videos about.

My goal with this new system is to write a blog post every day and make a new video once a week outside of Lumastic Live. Although I run a software company, I'm a creator at heart and I need to tell stories to feel energized and happy at work.

So, wish me luck.